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This week featuring...
song : 殷悦
artist : 爱多少早知道
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aaaaaclick here for lyrics
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its a really really really nice movie.. i give 5/ 5 (movies worth buying to keep)
the bad news is.. i dun think its shown in singapore.. so u gotta hunt for it.. maybe under foreign films in vcd shops..
the next big thing is... I GOT A JOB!!!!!!! but not really excited about it...
i lost my eagerness to work ready... sad...
but i'll still give it a try.. for the experience and the dollar...
work starts 5th jan 2007.. from 11am to 830pm.. (shant tell u where... later u come haunt me.. heh heh)
the next next big thing!! i found a teacher who is willing to lend me his car to wrack!! woots!! lessons starts 1st jan 2007.. 2pm
but there is a clash once i start work.. so i gotta plan my time table well..
had my kaya roti breakfast in the morning.. which means i can now strike off 2 things from my things to do list.. =)
jus finish reading this book.. which my sis lent me for my trip to aussie..
its a really good read.. highly reccomended by many magazines, newpapers, authors and me..
its simply amazing to see how detailedly the author manage to discribe the thinking of an autistic child
jus finish watching "Step Up"
nice movie.. great music and superb dance moves.. i give 4/5 stars..
Terry invited the class over to his place last night.. it was really really fun!!
there were lots of food (and left-overs)
lots of PS2
lot of catching up wif one another..
lots of teasing wif the help of Prince (Terry's dog).. cos miss lim seems to be afraid of 4-legged furballs
but she always give in under our pressure...
but we always reward her whenever we make her go through a traumatising experience..
btw... we are not forcing the gift into her hands.. O =)
there was also a gift exchange session..
i dunno y... but Terry said tat we sld pose for a photo shoot when we exchange the gift.. soooo.... ya.. XD
hmm.. Christmas must have Christmas log cake rite?? soo here's ours..
the sad thing is.. because we were all so full.. we gotta find other means to finish the cake.. and tat includes..
feeding it to Prince..
pls do not try this wif urr dog or any other pet... cos Prince is a specialised dog that has been trained by his master for such purpose..
but we finish most of the cake by ourselves through games and forfeit..
rule : we are not allowed to use our hands..
so some of us end up looking like tat...
being such "good" frens.. we "planned" the second part of the night activity.. which was to sabo the host..
i shall end by saying thx to Terry and gang.. for organising this wonderful party.. and for the delicious dinner that you guys had prepared..
i passed!! heh heh... but its basic theory test onli... still got advance theory and practical test to settle..
after the test.. i went to get my provisional driving licence...
so now im a legalized L plate driver..
but first.. i gotta look for a teacher who is willing to lend me his car to wrack... heh heh heh...
after im done wif all the driving thing.. i went to get my hair cut and eyes checked...
bought myself a black plastic framed specs.. gonna collect next week.. i think i look pretty crappy in it.. whaha!!
but its for army and home use.. so nvm lahz...
today is bloody hot.. 33 degrees.. and cloudless.. and ozone hole rite above us... so hot tat we decided to stay at home.. which is also y i got time to blog..
ok.. lets start from where i left.. tuesday.. or isit wednesday.. cant remember.. its travelling day..
woke up early in the morning to catch a bus to cradle mountain..
here are some of the pics we took along the way..
after 7 hours of rotting in the bus.. we reached cradle mountain.. and got our cabin..
might not look very fantastic on the outside.. but its really fantastic on the inside..
it has 4 small beds, a king size bed, a small cable tv and a well equipped kitchen.. which we used to cook our dinner..
went to catch the tasmanian devil tour after dinner..
they look cute.. but looks can be decieving.. they are actually pretty.. er... fierce in nature..
i've got a vid of them being fed.. might upload it when im back in sg.. but its mainly seeing them chasing each other for their dinner lahz..
after the tour.. we track back to our cabin.. in darkness..
this is a shot i took at the road.. u cant see anything tat is 5 steps ahead of u.. but it was pretty fun.. and cold~ burrr... manage to take a photo of the moon using night mood..
but my cam can onli do so much.. its much prettier when u are here to see it for urrself..
we tracked cradle mountain the next day..
suppose to be a leisure walk.. but it was too simple.. so we made decided to change our route.. and we ended up climbing mountains..
its was really a earth shaking experience for me.. the scariest part was when we were at half peak.. which looked something like this.. but a little bit steeper..
and u are suppose to lean against it and strafe urr way round it to reach half peak.. and while u are busying strafing.. strong winds will blow at u.. as if its attempting to push u down the cliff..
worse thing is.. there is no way u will want to turn back.. cos.. u cant see the way back.. its easier to climb up than to climb down.. in other words.. up seems to be the only way..
after this traumatising climb to half peak.. we had a small bite of lunch..
and we continued our walk, up.. in the freaking cold weather.. so cold our hands were numbed..
thank God the weather is good.. and the sun is out.. cos we are under-dressed for this climb.. all of us were in T-shirt and jeans and a thin jacket.. while the other climbers were in thermals..
but we continue to climb.. up.. and up we go.. till we reached the peak..
but the relief was onli a short one.. cos wat goes up must come down.. and the way down aint easy at all..
but we made it back down safe and unharmed eventually.. guess someone has been watching over us tat day..
pampered ourselves wif strawberries that night..
now for the 3rd day.. its my turn to make breakfast..
1st attempt - tomato egg (failed)
reason : too watery
2nd attempt - onion egg (passed wif flying colours)
3rd attempt - scramble eggs (alright)
reason : too sweet
soo overall i still pass =) heh heh.. but after the wonderful breakfast.. things didnt turn out so well..
it was freaking cold.. we didnt have a proper lunch cos we gotta catch a bus.. we missed the bus eventually cos it was parked in another place where we cldnt see..
but the people there were really nice.. they went through the trouble of calling the bus company to see if they cld make the bus turn back for us... but the ans was no..
then they called another company to see if they can send anyone up the mountain to bring us down.. and here comes the first piece of good news..
they found a driver who was on his way home.. and he was kind enough to turn back and give us a lift down to the nearest town be4 going home..
so we ended up in Devon port.. and the driver gave us a tour ard the town before he head home.. which was really nice of him..
where we checked ourselves into a backpackers hotel..
looks pretty good on the outside.. but its pretty ugly on the inside.. so ugly i didnt want to take photos of it..
but as compared to other backpackers hotel.. this one is very good liaoz..
after the trauma that we've been through.. we decided to treat ourselves to a sumptuous meal..
dinner was delicious =P *slurp*
catch the 7am bus to Launceston the next morning.. rented a car there and drove ard town.. here are some photos we took there..
stayed there for half a day and catch the 5pm bus back to Hobart..
we went for the weekend market the next day..
they sell all kinda stuff there.. and its where most of urr gifts came from..
after shopping for gifts we rented another car..
and for the subsequent days.. we used it to travel to diff parts of tassie... which is why i didnt have time to blog..
we visited an oyster farm called barilla Bay.. went there to eat some oysters.. super fresh.. super nice..
we also toured Port Arthur.. which is an olden day prison..
and picked fruits at Sorell fruit farm..
had a wonderful breakfast up at mount Nelson
and finally.. time to pack the gifts into santa's bag.. and head back home..